
    Effects of Soil Erosion of Accumulative Soil on the Migration of Heavy Metals in Dabaoshan Mining Area, Guangdong Province

    • 摘要: 矿区水土流失和重金属污染是造成区域生态环境损害的重要途径。采用野外径流小区模拟径流原位冲刷试验方法,以广东省大宝山矿区堆积时间为3 a的老弃土和堆积时间为0.5 a的新弃土为研究对象,以自然土为对照,分析水土流失及重金属的迁移特征,以期为科学认知矿区生态破坏和重金属污染协同治理提供案例支撑。结果表明:(1)2种类型堆积土径流量均随时间呈上升变化趋势,其20 min平均径流量分别为6.52和5.75 L·min-1,远大于自然土(0.69 L·min-1)。(2)新弃土径流含沙量和产沙率均最高,分别为156.79 g·L-1和0.99 kg·min-1,老弃土(51.68 g·L-1,0.27 kg·min-1)次之,自然土最低。(3)新、老2种堆积土侵蚀泥沙Cd平均含量分别为自然土的11.43倍和11.20倍,平均流失率分别为自然土的361.67和135.33倍,且在产流初期Cd流失率最高,有明显的"初期冲刷"效应。Pb、Zn和Cu表现出与Cd一致的迁移特征。(4)径流泥沙中重金属含量与径流量呈极显著正相关关系(P < 0.01),重金属流失率与径流含沙量、产沙率呈极显著正相关关系(P < 0.01),径流及泥沙流失对重金属的迁移有明显影响。矿区土壤经扰动堆积后,水土流失量及重金属迁移量明显增加,且堆积时间越短,增幅越大。若要控制重金属对矿区外部环境的危害,必须治理矿区水土流失。


      Abstract: The characteristics of soil and water loss and migration of heavy metals in accumulative soils with different ages in the Dabaoshan mining area of Guangdong were studied using in situ runoff experiments. The results show that:(1) The runoff of new spoil, old spoil, and natural soil all increased with time. The average runoff at 20 min was 6.52, 5.75 and 0.69 L·min-1, respectively. For the same time period, the average runoff of the new spoil and old spoil soils were much higher than those of natural soils; (2) The sediment concentration and rate of sediment yield of the new spoil and old spoils were higher than natural soils. The average sediment concentrations of new spoil soil and old spoil soil were 156.79 and 51.68 g·L-1, respectively, and the average rates of sediment yield were 0.99 and 0.27 kg·min-1, respectively. (3) The average contents of Cd in new spoil and old spoil soil erosion sediments were 11.43 and 11.20 times of that in natural soils, respectively, and the average loss rates were 361.67 and 135.33 times of that in natural soils, respectively; The average content and loss rate of heavy metals in the erosion soil of new spoil and old spoil were much higher than those in natural soil, and there was obvious "initial flushing" effect; The migration patterns of Pb, Zn, and Cu were similar to Cd; (4) There was a significant positive correlation between Cd, Pb, Zn and Cu content in runoff sediments and runoff. The loss rate of heavy metals was significantly positively correlated with runoff sediment content and sediment production rate. Runoff and sediment loss have a significant impact on the migration of heavy metals.


