
    Spatial Distribution, Hot Spots Identification and Protection Effectiveness Evaluation of Urgently Protected Species in Priority Area of Taihang Mountains Biodiversity Conservation(Beijing Region)

    • 摘要: 随着人类活动影响加剧,生物多样性急剧丧失。识别急需保护物种集聚分布的热点地区,从而分配更多资源予以保护,是提高生物多样性保护效率的有效途径。以太行山生物多样性保护优先区北京区域为案例区,提取待保护目标物种的分布范围,识别目标物种集聚的热点区域和空缺区。研究发现热点区主要分布于北京与河北交界的门头沟区百花山和东灵山区域、延庆区的松山区域、怀柔区的喇叭沟门区域以及密云区的雾灵山区域。除十字兰和刺楸外的其余46种目标物种已受到不同程度保护,但保护效率仍有待提升。此外,研究还识别出急需保护但尚未划入自然保护区的空缺区域约339 km2。建议针对实际情况,通过新建、扩建保护区以及保护小区或生态保护红线等不同方式提升现有保护效果。研究成果有助于优化现有保护网络体系,提升自然保护区的保护效果。


      Abstract: Biodiversity is rapidly losing due to human activities. In this context, allocating more resources to protect the hot spot areas, where the species in urgent need of conservation are clustered, is an effective way to increase the efficiency of biodiversity conservation. Took Beijing as the priority area for biodiversity conservation in Taihang Mountain for a case study, the spatial distribution, hot spots and gap areas of the target species to be protected were identified. The results show that the hotspots were mainly distributed in the areas adjacent to Hebei Province, including Baihuashan area and Donglingshan area in Mentougou District, Songshan area in Yanqing District, Labagoumen area in Huairou District and Wulingshan area in Miyun District. Meanwhile, except for Habenaria schindleri and Kalopanax septemlobus, the remaining 46 target species had been protected to varying degrees, but the conservation efficiency needs to be improved. In addition, about 339 km2 of gap areas that were in urgent need of protection have not yet been designated as nature reserves. Different methods were proposed for the improvement of the protection efficiency, including the construction or expansion of nature reserves, small-reserves and ecological protection redlines. The results will be helpful to the optimization of the existing protection network system and the enhancement of the protection effect of nature reserves.


