
    Methods for Derivation of Site Specific Standard for Management of Contaminated Agricultural Soil

    • 摘要: 《土壤污染防治行动计划》提出:按土壤污染程度,将农用地划为3个类别,未污染和轻微污染的划为优先保护类,轻度和中度污染的划为安全利用类,重度污染的划为严格管控类。农用地块土壤污染分类标准应是上述3个类别的可靠划分依据。在GB 15618-2018《土壤环境质量农用地土壤污染风险管控标准(试行)》的基础上,针对具体农用地块,提出基于土壤污染危害与否来制订标准,即采用土壤污染危害临界值作为前两类的划分依据,采用土壤污染安全利用临界值作为后两类的划分依据,并提出相应的制订方法。按照此方法划分农用地块土壤污染类别便于采取相应的管理措施,保障土壤环境质量、农产品质量和农作物生长。


      Abstract: The action plan for soil pollution control (The Soil Ten Measures) proposes the agricultural soil to be put into three categories based on its contamination level. The unpolluted and slightly polluted soil is classified as priority protection, the mild and moderate polluted soil is classified as security utilization class and the heavy polluted soil is in the strict control category. Those categories should be judged based on the site specific soil standard. Based on the standard GB 15618-2018, the method for derivation of adverse effect critical value and safe use critical value could be a tool to facilitate the implementation of countermeasures to protect soil environmental quality, food safety and plant growth.


