
    The Space-time Relationship between the Ecosystem Service Value and the Human Activity Intensity in Xi'an Metropolitan Area

    • 摘要: 人类活动是影响生态系统服务价值(ecosystem service value, ESV)变化的重要原因之一, 对两者时空关系的研究有助于生态环境与社会经济协调发展。以西安都市圈为研究对象, 基于1990、2000、2010和2018年4期土地利用数据, 在2 km×2 km格网尺度下构建ESV评估模型、ESV流向损益模型、人类活动强度(human activity intensity, HAI)指数评估模型和双变量空间自相关模型, 探讨ESV与人类活动强度的时空关系。结果表明: (1)1990-2018年间, 西安都市圈ESV在时间尺度上呈持续下降趋势, 近30年间共降低12.8亿元; 在空间尺度上呈现以西安主城区为中心向外围递增的分布格局; (2)ESV增益主要源于耕地转为林地、水域和草地; ESV亏损主要源于耕地、建设用地的转入以及水域的转出; (3)人类活动强度整体呈现以西安主城区为中心向南北递减的空间分布格局, 高影响区集中分布在西安主城区及其周边地区, 低影响区分布于研究区南北两端; (4)ESV与人类活动强度呈负相关关系, 两者聚类关系以低-高和高-低聚集方式为主, 低-高和高-低聚集区域显著性水平高。期望通过对ESV与人类活动强度的空间关系分析为区域可持续发展提供理论支持。


      Abstract: Human activity is one of the most important factors that affects the changes of ecosystem service value (ESV), so the exploration of their spatio-temporal relationship would facilitate a coordinated development between ecology, environment, society and economy. By taking Xi'an metropolitan area as the research object, this study constructed four models including an ESV assessment model, an ESV flow gain/loss model, a human activity intensity (HAI) index assessment model, and a bivariate spatial autocorrelation model, based on the land use data in 1990, 2000, 2010, and 2018 at a grid scale of 2 km×2 km, so as to get insights into the spatiotemporal relationship between ESV and the intensity of human activities. The results of this study demonstrate that: (1) Between 1990 and 2018, the ESV in Xi'an metropolitan area showcased a continuous downward trend on the time scale, with a total decrease of RMB 1.28 billion yuan over the past 30 years; on the spatial scale, it showed an increasingly widened distribution pattern centered on Xi'an's main urban area, with an extension to the periphery; (2) The ESV gain mainly stemmed from the conversion of cropland to forest land, water and grassland, while the ESV loss mainly caused by the transfer-in of cropland and construction land as well as the transfer-out of waters; (3) The intensity of human activities showed a decreasing spatial distribution pattern from the center of Xi'an City to both of its northern and southern regions, with the high-impact zones concentrated in Xi'an's main city and its periphery, while the low-impact ones were distributed at the northern and southern ends of the research area; and (4) ESV is negatively correlated with the intensity of human activities, with the clustering relationships between the two dominated by low-high and high-low aggregation modes. The low-high and high-low aggregation areas have a high significance level. It is expected that this study on the spatiotemporal relationships between ESV and the intensity of human activities would provide theoretical support for the sustainable development of related regions.


