
    Response to ENSO Events in the Radial Growth of Picea wilsonii in Guandi Mountains, China

    • 摘要: 关帝山位于华北气候过渡区, 受到厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(El Niño-Southern Oscillation, ENSO)事件的强烈影响。分析关帝山青扦(Picea wilsonii)径向生长与ENSO事件的响应关系, 有助于了解气候变化对位于气候过渡区的山地森林树木生长的影响。利用关帝山海拔2 000~2 200 m的青扦树轮样芯, 构建了树轮宽度差值年表, 通过Pearson相关分析确定树轮宽度指数与月均温、月降水量、多元ENSO指数(multivariate ENSO index, MEI)的相关关系, 使用交叉小波变换分析(cross-wavelet transform analysis, XWT)得到青扦树轮宽度差值年表与MEI的共同功率谱周期, 比较青扦宽轮和窄轮对ENSO事件响应的差异, 并运用时序叠加分析(superimposed epoch analysis, SEA)探究典型ENSO事件后青扦径向生长的变化。结果表明: (1)关帝山青扦径向生长主要受到前一年生长季前期(p3-p5)和当年生长季(c7, c9)高温的限制, 前两年生长季开始时期(pp5)和结束时期(pp9)的降水则有利于青扦生长; (2)青扦树轮宽度差值年表与前一年5月到当年3月(p5-c3)的MEI指数呈显著负相关(P < 0.05), 两者有2~5.5年的共同功率谱周期; (3)关帝山青扦的宽轮主要受拉尼娜事件影响, 窄轮主要受厄尔尼诺事件影响。厄尔尼诺事件发生的当年及后3年, 青扦径向生长速度显著减慢(P < 0.01)。


      Abstract: Guandi Mountains are situated in the climate transition zone (CTZ) of North China, which is strongly influenced by ENSO events. Analyzing the relationship between radial growth of Picea wilsonii in this mountain and ENSO events can enhance our understanding of the impact of climate change on tree growth in montane forests within the CTZ. Residual tree-ring width chronologies (RES) were established for P. wilsonii at an altitude of 2 000-2 200 m using collected tree-ring samples from Guandi Mountains. Pearson correlation analysis was employed to examine the correlation between tree-ring width index (RWI) and monthly mean temperature (MMT), monthly precipitation (MTP), as well as the multivariate ENSO index (MEI). Cross-wavelet transform analysis (XWT) was utilized to determine the temporal frequency of ENSO events within the residual chronology of P. wilsonii. Paired t-tests were conducted to compare the difference in spruce response to ENSO events between wide and narrow tree-rings. Superimposed epoch analysis (SEA) was applied to identify changes in radial growth pattern of P. wilsonii following typical ENSO events. The main findings are as follows: (1) Radial growth of spruce trees was primarily influenced by MMT during the previous pre-growing season (p3-p5), as well as the current growing season (c7, c9). Additionally, it showed a positive response to MTP at both the start (pp5) and the end (pp9) stages of the two previous years' growing seasons. (2) The RES chronology of P. wilsonii exhibited a significantly negative correlation with the MEI from previous May to current March (p5-c3) (P < 0.05), indicating a co-periodic oscillation lasting 2-5.5-years. (3) The wide-rings predominantly occurred during La Niña events while the narrow-rings with El Niño events, moreover, significant slowdowns in radial growth were observed during both El Niño event years (P < 0.01) and three subsequent years after such an event occurred (P < 0.01) for P. wilsonii in Guandi Mountains.


