
    Analysis of Hydrological Connectivity Dynamic and Important Patches in the Zoige Wetland

    • 摘要: 湿地水文连通对维持及修复湿地生态系统结构及功能有重要意义。近年来,若尔盖湿地发生不同程度的退化,其水文连通也发生显著变化。为量化若尔盖湿地水文连通变化并识别重要湿地斑块,基于1977—2020年若尔盖Landsat遥感影像,利用监督分类法对若尔盖湿地斑块进行提取并分析了其面积变化;采用基于图论的景观连通度指数分析了若尔盖湿地1977—2020年水文连通动态变化,并采用重要性指数对重要斑块进行识别。结果表明,1977—2016年若尔盖湿地面积从2 660.50减少到2 378.53 km2,降幅为10.60%;2016—2020年若尔盖湿地面积逐渐恢复,2020年湿地面积已恢复至1977年的90.78%。若尔盖湿地结构和功能连通性随时间变化呈现先下降后上升的趋势。2016年若尔盖湿地结构和功能连通性分别为1977年的65.51%和60.73%,2020年恢复到1977年的70.23%和72.39%。若尔盖高重要性的湿地斑块主要位于现有保护地内,目前开展的湿地保护修复措施对恢复湿地水文连通性具有重要作用。


      Abstract: Hydrological connectivity plays an important role in the structure and function of wetland ecosystems. In recent years, the Zoige Wetland has experienced varying degrees of degradation due to human activities and climate change, significantly altering its hydrological connectivity. To quantify changes in hydrological connectivity and identify key wetland patches in the Zoige Wetland, we collected Landsat remote sensing data from 1977 to 2020 and utilized the supervised classification method to extract its wetland patches and analyze their area changes. Also, we employed the landscape connectivity index based on the graph theory to analyze the dynamic changes in hydrological connectivity from 1977 to 2020, and the importance index to identify key wetland patches. The results show a reduction of 10.60% in the Zoige Wetland area from 2 660.50 km2 in 1977 to 2 378.53 km2 in 2016. However, from 2016 to 2020, the wetland area gradually recovered to 90.78% of its extent in 1977. The structural and functional connectivity of the Zoige Wetland exhibited a temporal pattern of initial decline followed by subsequent recovery. In 2016, the structural and functional connectivity were 65.51% and 60.73% of its extent in 1977, respectively, and recovered to 70.23% and 72.39% by 2020. Notably, key wetland patches are primarily located within the protected area, suggesting that the ongoing wetland conservation and restoration measures play an important role in restoring the hydrological connectivity of wetlands.


