
    Evaluation Method of Regional Biodiversity Based on Forest Inventory Data:A Case Study of Beijing

    • 摘要: 随着人类活动影响的加剧,生物多样性急剧丧失,如何遏制生物多样性的持续下降成为可持续发展所面临的严峻挑战,实际工作中迫切需要准确而快速地对区域生物多样性进行评估。以森林资源清查数据为基础,构建一套区域尺度陆地生物多样性的评价指标体系,并以北京市为案例区进行评价。依据生物多样性的评价结果,坚持连续性和完整性原则,以小班为单元,以高分辨率遥感影像为辅助,人工识别得到8个生物多样性热点区。热点区面积共计约3 791 km2,约占北京市国土面积的23%,全部位于北部和西部山区。结果表明,评价结果较好地反映了北京市生物多样性状况,所识别的热点区与物种调查结果相吻合,也涵盖了现有自然保护区。同时利用现有保护地和遥感影像,识别生物多样性空缺区和生态廊道的潜在分布区,形成生物多样性一张图。该方法简单成熟,无需复杂的专业背景,所用数据为各地基础调查数据,可为区域尺度的生物多样性评估,特别是缺乏生物多样性专业人才和物种调查数据的区域提供方法借鉴,在生物多样性保护工作中具有实际应用意义;同时以小班为单元的划界方法解决了一般规划落实难的问题,也可为政府部门的决策提供依据。


      Abstract: With the increasing impact of human activities and the rapid loss of biodiversity, how to prevent the continued decline in biodiversity has become a serious challenge we are facing in sustainable development. Thus, there is an urgent need for accurate and efficient assessment of regional biodiversity in practical work. Based on the forest inventory data, we designed a set of indicating system which had been used to evaluate the regional biodiversity of Beijing City. We manually identified eight biodiversity hotspots consisted of forest sublots by utilizing the established biodiversity evaluation results and high-resolution remote sensing images. The evaluation complied with the principle of consecutiveness and comprehensiveness. All hot spots were located in the northern and western mountain areas of Beijing, with a total area of about 3 791 km2, taking account for 23% of Beijing's land area approximately. The results well reflected the biodiversity status of Beijing city. These hotspots areas identified which covered the existing nature reserves are consistent with the findings of field surveys. Meanwhile, we also identified the potential distribution of the protection gap areas and ecological corridors by using existing protected areas and remote sensing images. The system is simple and stable and requires very little professional backgrounds and data. It could be used as a reference for assessments of biodiversity at the regional level, especially useful for those lacking biodiversity expertise and field survey data. Therefore, the system is significantly practical in biodiversity conservation work. At the same time, the demarcation method solved the problem of operation planning difficulties by using boundaries of forest sublots. It also provided the theory evidences which could help and support government decisions.


