Species Composition and Population Dynamics of Amphibians in Wuyi Mountain Observation Sample Region, Fujian Province
Graphical Abstract
Amphibians are important indicators for biodiversity observation. During the period of 2012-2018, amphibian species composition and population dynamics in Wuyishan National Nature Reserve and its vicinity in Fujian Province were investigated by using the transect sampling method. In total, 24 species belonging to 8 families and two orders were recorded. Specifically, 12 species were only detected inside the nature reserve, where the dominant species were Limnonectes fujianensis and Odorrana huanggangensis, Amolops ricketti. 7 species were only recorded outside the nature reserve, where the dominant species were Fejervarya multistriata, Microhyla fissipes and Nidirana adenopleura. However, 5 species can be observed both in- and outside the nature reserve. In addition, the results also indicate that despite both total population dynamics and dominant species dynamics in the sampling region changed obviously, no significant difference was observed of their annual dynamics.