Bird Diversity of Qianjiangyuan National Forest Park and the Surrounding Area, Kaihua County, Zhejiang Province, China
Graphical Abstract
Bird diversity in Qianjiangyuan National Forest Park and the surrounding area in Zhejiang Province, China was investigated by line transect in summer and winter. A total of 112 species that belonged to 39 families and 12 orders were recorded, among which 9 species were in the second category of national protected bird species. Resident birds were dominant and accounted for 57.14% of the recorded birds, whereas both summer and winter migrants accounted for 19.64% of the recorded birds. The proportion of resident birds in summer(67.90%) was higher than that in winter(61.25%). Oriental realm species were the dominant species observed(57.14%), whereas Palearctic realm species accounted for 38.39% of observed species. The proportion of Oriental birds in summer(70.37%) was higher than that in winter (52.50%). The diversity and evenness indices differed among various habitats between summer and winter. The number of species and species diversity in Qianjiangyuan National Forest Park were higher than those of the surrounding areas. The diversity index and number of species were high in urban land and farmland-village surrounded by hills. The dominance index of secondary forest was the highest. During winter, farmland-village surrounded by hills had the highest diversity index and primary forest had the fewest species. The results show that moderate disturbance intensity(i. e., farmland-village surrounded by hills) is very important for protecting bird diversity, although primary forest plays an important role in the protection of endangered Galliformes and should be well protected.