Species Composition and Population Dynamics of Amphibian Species Diversity in Leigongshan, Guizhou
Graphical Abstract
The biodiversity and population dynamics of amphibians are the basis of amphibians conservation. During the period of 2014-2018, amphibian species composition and population dynamics in Leigongshan National Reserve of Guizhou Province were investigated by using the transect sampling method. The results show that: (1) a total of 28 species and subspecies were found in the survey which belonging to 2 orders, 8 families and 16 genera, including 2 endangered species, Vibrissaphora leishanensis and Quasipaa boulengeri, 13 species recorded only in China and 4 species recorded only in Guizhou Province; (2) Megophrys leishanensis, Megophrys spinata, Odorrana huanggangensis, Hylarana guentheri, Nidirana leishanensis and Paramesotriton caudopunctatus were the dominant species in the reserve; (3) more amphibians were observed in June than in August and October; (4) the number of species and individuals of Amphibians at altitudes of 800- < 1 200 m were higher than those at other altitudes; (5) the number of species and individuals observed over the five years were with varying degrees of fluctuation and all bottomed out in 2018.