A Survey of Mammal and Bird Diversity Using Camera-trapping in Liupanshan National Nature Reserve in Ningxia
Graphical Abstract
From July 2017 to October 2019, an inventory survey of large mammals and birds was conducted in Liupanshan National Nature Reserve in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region using camera-trapping. In total, 56 901 photographs and 2 883 videos were obtained with an intensive survey effort of 47 460 camera-days from 60 locations. 19 wild and 4 domestic species belonging to 11 families and 5 orders were identified from 41 710 photographs and 1 733 videos of mammals. Among the detected mammal species, 2 species were listed as Class Ⅰ state key protected wild animals in China and 3 were listed as Class Ⅱ. Carnivora and Artiodactyla were the 2 mammalian orders with the largest number of effective photos (9 922 and 25 114) and accounted for 23.78% and 60.19% of the total number of detections, respectively. The species with the highest relative abundance index in the Carnivora order was the pig badger (Arctonyx collaris, 5.008), and the most frequently observed species in the cloven-hoofed order was the wild boar (Sus scrofa, 7.206). 12 861 photographs and 964 videos of birds were recorded, including 53 species belonging to 15 families and 6 orders, among which 3 species were listed as Class Ⅱ state key protected wild animals in China. Phasianidae was the most frequently detected Galliformes and accounted for 48.08% of total bird detections. Of the observed species, Cinclidium leucurum, Garrulax lunulatus, Muntiacus reevesi, and Hystrix brachyura had not previously been recorded in Ningxia (including Liupanshan National Nature Reserve), and Martes flavigula and Naemorhedus griseus had not previously been recorded in Liupanshan Reserve. These new observations expanded the distribution range of these species in China. Thus, these discoveries have enriched current distribution information of these species. The research results provide comprehensive baseline data regarding the large mammal and bird community within Liupanshan, which will support and guide future management and long-term monitoring of Liupanshan Reserve.